Some return requests must be approved by Ozon or by the seller if they delivered the product. We run this check to make sure that the product meets the return terms and conditions. If the product is in improper condition, your request can be declined.
If possible, attach all required photos and follow the hints near the fields when creating a request.

Your return request is to be reviewed within 24 hours. Follow its status in the My Returns section.
Possible decisions on the request:
- Approved. The return request is approved, you can return the product.
- Rejected:
- If Ozon rejected your request, it means that the product doesn’t meet the return terms and conditions. You can’t return it.
- If the seller rejected your request and you disagree with their decision, you can open a dispute. Ozon moderators review the request and make a decision on it. You’ll receive the answer within 3 calendar days.
- Product recommendations are given. You received recommendations on how to use the product in the support chat. There is no need to return the product.
- Other. The moderator replied to you in the support chat. There is no need to return the product.
If your request status is Product recommendations are given or Other, and following instructions don’t help, create a new return request.