There’re three reports: re-invoiced services, re-invoiced delivery services (currency), and report on the execution of instructions for payment acceptance.
These closing documents are about the services provided by the contractor.
A detailed report on re-invoiced services (Global) is an analytical document with information about the services provided by the contractor.
Partners may include delivery companies and banks that accept payments.
Ozon generates reports once or twice a month. It depends on how many times you have received a payment.
If there are two payments, we prepare two reports:
- for operations in the first half of the month: from the 1st to the 15th;
- for operations in the second half of the month: from the 1st to the 31st.
Ozon generates a report by the end of the month and uploads it to the Finance → Documents → Agent reports → Reports page by the 8th day.
Services in reports
The reports contain information about the services reissue:
- International delivery. These services include delivery charge and handing over the products to the customer at pick-up point or by courier. It shows only that part of the total international delivery amount which was provided by the implementing partners.
- Payment acceptance. These services include service fee for payment acceptance charged by the partner.
Learn more about international delivery services
Learn more about the payment acceptance services
Report content
- No.: сontractor’s serial number.
- Contractor: legal entity we engage for executing the seller’s orders.
- TIN: identification number of the contractor’s taxpayer.
- Tax Registration Reason Code: code of the reason, why the contractor’s company is registred.
- Name of operations, services: service provided by the contractor.
- Amount, including VAT: service cost provided by the contractor for the reporting period. If the service is subject to VAT, the total with VAT inсludes the amount of VAT.
Given in rubles.
- VAT amount: amount of VAT if the service is subject to VAT. Given in rubles.
- No.: serial number of the service.
- Name of operations, services: service provided by the contractor.
- Amount: service cost provided by the contractor for the reporting period. Given in the currency of the seller’s contract.
- N/a number: serial number of the row.
- Shipment: number of the shipment that the contractor works with.
- Accrual date: date of the amount for the provision of the service accrual.
- Accrual type: name of the service that the contractor provides.
- Ozon Logistics Partner: name of the legal entity we engage for executing the seller’s orders.
- Delivery type: way customer receives the order: by courier or at the pick-up point.
- Shipment weight, g (from item card): actual weight of the shipment specified by the seller.
- Shipment weight, g (determined by Ozon Logistics Partner): actual weight of the shipment specified by the contractor.
- Billing date, at the rate of the Central Bank of Russia: date of the order creation.
It determines the currency conversion rate of the carrier’s rate in relation to the ruble.
- Rate of the Central Bank of Russia on the billing date, RUB:
currency conversion rate of the carrier’s rate in relation to the ruble. The data shows the actual rate on the date of order creation.
- Total re-invoiced expenses, currency: total cost of the service provided by the contractor during the reporting period. Given in the currency of the carrier’s rate.
- Re-invoiced currency: currency of the carrier’s rate.
- Re-invoiced services total, RUB: total service cost provided by the contractor during the reporting period. Given in rubles.
- Number of contract with the implementing partners: number of contract with the contractor whom Ozon has engaged to execute the seller’s orders. The contractor name is available by request.
- ID: unique identifier of the implementing partner whom Ozon has engaged to execute the seller’s orders.
- Name of works, services: name of services provided by implementing partners.
- Amount with VAT: cost of the service provided by the implementing partners during the report period, including VAT if the service is subject to VAT. Specified in RUB.
- VAT amount: amount of VAT if the service is subject to VAT. Specified in RUB.
Annex to the report on the execution of instructions for payment acceptance:
- Number of contract with the implementing partners: number of contract with the contractor whom Ozon has engaged to execute the seller’s orders. The contractor name is available by request.
- ID: unique identifier of the implementing partner whom Ozon has engaged to execute the seller’s orders.
- Order number: the number of shipment in our system, which Ozon has engaged a implementing partner to work with.
- Ozon product code: product SKU in our system.
- Product price: price of the product which you’ve specified in your personal account.
- Name of works, services: name of services which were provided by implementing partners.
- Amount: the service cost which the implementing partners have been providing during the report period.