Returns to Ozon Pick-up Points

Principle of work #

  1. If you decide to get returns back instead of disposing them by Ozon, sign up on the platform of the selected partner.

  2. After handing over the product to the partner, create a return processing request on the partner’s website.

You can view information about returned products in the returns report.

1. Product disposal at Ozon warehouse #

When the customer returns the product to the pick-up point, an Ozon employee checks it. The return isn’t accepted if another product is specified in the return request or the product has been in use, and is returned because it doesn’t fit or the customer doesn’t like it.

If the return is accepted, the product is sent to the nearest Ozon sorting center for disposal.

Learn more about costs of processing returns

The return can be sent for disposal if:

  • The product price is up to 1,500 rubles.

    The product price is a price of a product in your personal account at the conversion rate on the date of order placement.

    Customers keep the majority of returns that cost up to 1,500 rubles, regardless of the return method enabled in your personal account. In some cases, we may require customers to return such products to the pick-up point. For example, if they request returns often.

  • The returned product is damaged and can’t be transported.

  • You’ve enabled the “Dispose” method in the warehouse settings.

If you don’t make a decision on returns delivered to a logistics partner warehouse within a month, the default return method changes to “Dispose” for all delivery warehouses. We notify you about this in your personal account 7 days in advance. To keep the current return method, make a decision on returns in your personal account of the logistics partner. You can change the return method at any time and receive returns to the logistics partner warehouse again.

You can view which products are disposed of in the Logistics → Returns section. The “Ozon (disposal only)” method is shown in the Delivery service column.

After disposal, you see the “Disposed of by Ozon” status in the Return status column.

Upon your request, Ozon provides documents on disposal.

2. Product is delivered to the partner’s warehouse #

You can view the name of your return logistics partner and location of the return in the Ozon personal account in the Logistics → Returns section:

  • on the On the road tab: for returns accepted at Ozon pick-up points and sent to partner’s warehouses;

  • on the Resolved tab with the “Passed on to partner” status: for returns delivered to the partner’s warehouses.

    The average delivery time to the partner’s warehouse is 5–10 days.

To make a decision on the return, click the request number in the Request number column. In the Return information field, follow the link to the partner’s website.

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