Beauty & Health #
PDP advantages:
Name is written correctly and according to the rules. It contains the brand, product type, line name, shade. The product is easy to find in search results or see in the catalog among other lipsticks.
Photos of good quality, they show the entire line shades. There is a video telling about lipstick features and showing it on the model.
Merging with color samples. It makes it easier for the customer to choose a shade: the entire palette is clearly visible, they can switch to the necessary one right away.
Abstract isn’t overloaded, but it describes the lipstick, its features, and texture in details.
All the necessary attributes are filled in: for filters in the category and with additional information.

House #
PDP advantages:
Name shows the set type, size, and material clearly.
Photos and videos of good quality. They show the general set appearance in the interior and small details: fabric texture and set color in different lighting.
Merging with color samples. It makes it easier for the customer to choose a color: the entire palette is clearly visible, they can immediately switch to the necessary one. Customers can choose a different size in the necessary color.
Abstract describes the fabric composition advantages and gives additional information about the set.
All the necessary attributes are filled in: for filters in the category and with additional information.

Household Appliances #
PDP advantages:
Name is written correctly and according to the rules. It contains the product type, brand, line name, article code, battery power, color. A customer looking for this vacuum cleaner will quickly find it in search results.
Photos of good quality. They show the product and its features: details, advantages, complete set.
In rich content block, multimedia elements complement text description and focus on the characteristics and additional features. There is a demonstration of vacuum cleaner details, manufacturer country is specified.
All the necessary attributes are filled in: for filters in the category and with additional information—weight, dust collector and filter types.

Baby Products #
PDP advantages:
Name is written correctly and according to the rules. It contains product type, brand, line name, weight, size. A customer will quickly find the PDP in search results by the “diapers of size 7 for a child of 17+ kg” query.
Photos of good quality. They show product advantages, comparison of sizes and details with other brand products. There is a promotional video telling about the product.
Annotation describes product features and benefits.
All the necessary attributes are filled in: for filters in the category and with additional information.

Clothing #
PDP advantages:
Photos of good quality. The product is shown large, from different angles. The texture of the material and small details are visible. A neutral light background doesn’t attract attention and focuses it on the product.
Merging with color samples. A customer can choose other jacket colors in the size they need or vice versa.
Abstract isn’t overloaded, but gives detailed product information: material features, jacket design details.
All the necessary attributes are filled in: for filters in the category and with additional information.